
After receiving the hangtag/price tag from the supplier, it has to be kept at the designated place in the central store, and then it has to be invented through a calculator or weight measuring device and it has to be recorded in the register according to the inventory.

After making the inventory, Q, C will inspect it to determine pass / fail and keep its record. Other quality products to delight the consumer. Follow all business-related regulations.

Improving the environment, hygienic, and safe quality to support the workers in the workplace. 

Ensuring fire safety measures above adequacy. Provide equal opportunities for adult (above 18 years) employees. 

To create developing opportunities through training evaluation and proper evaluation of appropriate action. To actively co-operate in dynamic development activities aimed at developing the mind of the overall function. 

If the inspection is passed, it has to be placed in a specific rack or according to the buyer, style, order and the bin card has to be hung.

Suppliers need to arrange work in a safe and healthy place where there is adequate lighting, hot air exhaust. 

If the inspection fails, the concerned merchandizer should be informed and the merchantizer will take necessary action.

Style / P and H / Price tag finishing should be provided from Central Store. Suppliers must be vigilant to prevent any accidents and injuries and provide adequate protection against fire by ensuring safe handling and chemical storage, including equipment and tools, electrical safety, building strength and building durability, residential safety, reject / defect / Returning the prize to the store, the store will replace it with the Reject / Defect Hangtag / Prize tags at the designated location and will destroy the Reject / Defect / Prize tags every 3 months and keep a proper record. Excess/prize tags should be stored at the designated place and destroyed 3 months after shipment.

If more or less is observed during the calculation of the store/price tag, his comment must be recorded in the register.

Receipts, issues, and additional / price tag accounts must be kept properly.

Suppliers must provide workers with regular health and safety training, fire safety training, waste management, and handling of other hazardous substances, including chemicals.

Collecting hang tags/price tags according to style / p, and from the store through finishing requisitions.

After the requisition from finishing to the store, the store will take the necessary steps to ensure the supply of the hang tag/price tag.

The hang/price tag will be given to the finishing according to the requisitions of the finishing and the finishing will keep the record of all the hang tags/prize tags under different names.

If a hangtag/price tag is rejected or defective, the reject hang/price tag must be placed in a specific place and then changed back to the store. If there is an additional hang/price tag, it must be returned to the store and the store will keep its record.


Hangtag - Hang/price tag cannot be kept in any of the rejected or any additional garments after shipment. If there is, then it must be opened and submitted to the store and the record must be kept. To delight the consumer with the best quality in all scope of action. To assist in the dynamic development of quality at all levels of the organization by investing in training, equipment, process, and staff motivation. Active exploration and implementation of globally recognized processes aimed at tackling competition in the future.